Sunday 2 February 2014

Draft Flatplan with feed back

The draft plan was used to create a template of how my final front cover, contents and double page spread would be. As you can see the main 3 colours I'll be using are; Red, black and white. This is due to keeping it simple and original. In my survey the image of the artist was the most appealing towards the audience who took the survey, so in order to do this I created a medium close up shot of an artists that would be featured in the magazine. Also I've spread out the sub heading so they would be clear and also have the main heading just beneath the medium close up shot of the artist so it wouldn't interfere or interrupt the image by blending in. The bar code is located at the bottom right side of the magazine the price for the magazine would be at £2.99. The reason why I chose this price was due to the business marketing term of having it 1p less to make it seem like a big difference to the audience rather than putting it at £3.00. The mast head is located at the top left corner of the magazine resembling to the XXL magazine to keep originality and also having the words of the logo "UP" so people know what it stands for.

Draft flat plan Feedback. (This feedback was taken from social networking sites such as Facebook and twitter after showing the draft flat plans to some of the audience. Identities have been hidden for personal reasons)

Viewer 1: I like how the colour has been presented in this front cover. It actually makes it stand out more compared to other magazines as red is a vital colour used by big magazine companies in the industry. Another thing I like about this is the fact that the contents page is laid out simply with an image of two artists being put next to each other as it shows us who would be featured and what will be exclusive content.

Viewer 2: I like the masthead as it reminds me of XXL which the draft plan was originally meant to be resembling and also how the sub headings have been cleared to the side so it doesn't disturb the image of the main artists. The size of the text has been used wisely showing the audience what are the sub headings and which are the main headings. Also the angle of gaze used by the main image of the artist is very appealing and it looks like it's looking right at us to drag us in and consume what is there.

Viewer 3: This draft plan looks like it has been put in with a lot of hard work and dedication. The layout and setting is extremely clear as it's representing the genre rap and hip hop. I think that the artist has been given the right props as it's showing how they are in reality. This gives the image of rappers being tough and aggressive towards things. Also the colour has been very appealing and the price is very suitable for the content it'll be giving.

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