Wednesday 19 March 2014

Research: Interview Writing + Interview with Artist.

I went through a couple of magazines mainly rap and hip hop genre magazines to see how interviews were on the double page spreads for those magazines. The main ones I look at were from XXL and Vibe as they stood out the most for me. What I'm planning to do for my DPS is include the same colour scheme as the clothing used by the artists for the images. As you can see from my Images choices I've already made the artist resemble colours from the magazine which were; Red, black, white and Grey. Interview with WAD: Recently, there has been a lot of hype going on in the music industry, inside and outside. We’ve managed to grab one of the main artists involved in this hype to see what has been going on and what will all of this conclude to. Here are the following questions we asked including the answers from the artist. What’s going on with the struggle? After winning last year’s “Rookie of the Year”, I began making a name for myself not just regionally but globally. This then led onto becoming more respected and appreciated by other artists and fans, so I thought it was all settled and everything would be great. I managed to climb up and bring in my boy DILZ – however, it began to spark beef in the music industry with other artists. Just because DILZ and I were doing our own thing,it somehow became a game where others can hate on us while we’re trying to reach success.This got me to a pivotal moment thinking ‘what should I do now?’I have never been involved in this kind of difficult situation before, it’s literally the first time. However to all the artists out there, I’d just like to say I’m not afraid. What’s DILZ role in this? You know, he’s been my boy since day one. He literally helped me so much with my success, to reach the point of where I’m at now. He’s also helped out with what has been going on since. What still gets me is that he’s still here trying his best to help me out and sort out the problem which proves his loyalty as a best friend. I need to find more people like that and I know most of my fans probably have a personality that is based around supporting me and helping me out. What’s the next step you’re going to take? The next step I’m going to take is to clear my name in this music industry. I don’t want to be seen as a fraud or cheater - if I just let this slide, then it’s just going to become an automatic name that people use to refer to me as. And dealing with that while trying to make a name for myself will be an extremely tough position to be in and all I can say right now is that I cannot stomach that. Who have you called out so far? The people who have been on my case ever since these rumours started are the group called “Young Hustles”. I know for a fact with my verbal skills with DILZ in the booth I can make one of the best diss tracks possible to fire back at them. Doing this will shut them up and teach them a lesson to stay away from twisting rumours around and if they still don’t learn then they’ll have to learn it the hard way. This goes out to anyone else that tries to get involved because enough is enough already. What are your plans for the future in the music industry? My future plans are to go around the world touring in different places, meeting my fans, appreciating them for their time in coming to see me and also hope for the best in future music awards. Another thing I’m looking forward to is my album that I’m currently recording but it has been delayed due to the beef. But do not worry; it should be back on track once everything is sorted out. Looking at good rumours, apparently you’re forming a group. Is that true? Now that’s a rumour we can both agree on. It’s true that I’m going to be forming a group soon. It is most likely going to start off with me and DILZ. We’ve got a few other rappers who are willing to join it and hopefully they’ll be committed and loyal to the group so it can actually get somewhere. What I’m looking forward to the most though is touring with the guys. What has inspired you to do that? Well when I was younger I’d listen to a rap group called N.W.A and they’ve influenced me ever since to make a rap group of my own. Hopefully it’s successful and another group that has truly inspired me is D12. Just saying it now, Eminem is one of the best rappers alive and one of the people who inspired me to write music as a young teen. Before we finish off, would you like to say anything to your fans? To my fans, you guys have helped me so much to get me where I am now, and with what is going on now I hope you guys don’t believe it because most of it is lies. Don’t feel betrayed or lost over this because trust me, I’m telling you now It’s all a hoax that has been set up by other rappers jealous of where I’m getting with you guys. So keep it real and stay tuned for the upcoming album. Hopefully I’ll be touring near you soon!

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