Wednesday 19 March 2014

DPS - Final Double Page Spread Complete

After all the research done and used to construct the double page spread for the magazine, I finally managed to complete it with a similar layout compared to my flat plan that I used. As you can see I've added in quotes next to the artists images and also for the picture manipulated it by using tools such as clone stamp and brightness adjusters. Following on from these images they were both taken separately, however I managed to make it seem as if they were both together taking the picture at the same time. Also the month and year of the magazines issue was added due to some inspirations from other magazines that I looked at during my DPS market research. And to make it look original I added in the Logo from the magazine including web links to people can see that it looks more professional and official. Lastly the colour used throughout the whole page exactly resembles the contents page and front cover as it's all linked into one thing so nothing is left out in odd positions and the mast head is bold and strong looking to show people that it's a Rap and Hip Hop genre music magazine. The layout in general for this magazine feels more underground now rather than pop and soft.

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